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BC Producers

The BC Producers Branch (CMPA-BC) is a provincial chapter of the CMPA, working on behalf of British Columbia production companies.

CMPA-BC represents over 150 independent production companies based in British Columbia.

The branch has four key operational priorities: government relations, industrial relations, export and industry development. CMPA-BC has its own branch council and operating by-laws, which adhere to the regulations and direction of the CMPA national organization.

Like the national organization, CMPA-BC promotes its members’ interests. Here’s how:

We negotiate labour agreements with BC guilds and unions to establish rates of pay, hours of work and other conditions of employment.

We organize export development initiatives that take member producers to global markets to meet production and financing partners.

We advocate for BC’s film, television and digital media sector with all levels of government.

We liaise, recommend and consult to and with the CMPA national organization on all issues that affect our members.

We hold conferences, seminars and workshops that help build the capacity of BC-based companies.

BC labour agreements and fees

The CMPA-BC Industrial Relations (IR) team negotiates and administers collective agreements on behalf of our members.

These agreements govern the engagement of actors, directors, writers, technicians and other production personnel in British Columbia’s screen-based production industry. Our goal is to shape and maintain a favourable labour environment for BC’s film, television and digital media producers. This includes fielding inquiries from our members about labour-related concerns, and offering guidance and support where needed.

BC policy and advocacy

On behalf of our members, we advocate in critical policy areas such as business development, funding, tax policy and export with municipal, provincial and federal governments. Where a provincial issue needs to be raised, CMPA-BC also appears before parliamentary and legislative committees to give insight into the development of policy, regulation and legislation.

CMPA-BC often collaborates with the Motion Picture Production Industry Association of BC (MPPIA) in joint government relations efforts. At the agency level, the CMPA regularly consults with the Canada Media Fund, Telefilm Canada and Creative BC to ensure that those programs respond to the needs of independent producers.

Notes to BC Members

Keep on top of what’s happening in the BC industry with our Notes to BC members.

Learn more

BC Branch Council

The BC Branch Council focuses on issues of concern to CMPA members in BC. And while CMPA-BC has its own by-laws and Branch Council, it abides by the rules, regulations and direction of the CMPA. The Branch Council meets on a monthly basis.

Tex Antonucci

Lark Productions

Kim Dent Wilder


Mainframe Studios

Trevor Hodgson


First Look Media Inc.

Richard Raghoo


Dada Ibis Media

Cathy Schoch


Omnifilm Entertainment

CMPA-BC staff

Raila Gutman photo

Raila Gutman

Director, Member Development, BC Producers Branch

Jason Lee photo

Jason Lee

Managing Vice-President, BC Producers Branch and Industrial Relations

Ryan MacArthur photo

Ryan MacArthur

Manager, BC Finance and Facilities

Tereza Olivero photo

Tereza Olivero

Director, BC Industrial Relations

Liz Shorten photo

Liz Shorten

Chief Operating Officer

Jeremy Sorensen photo

Jeremy Sorensen

Coordinator, BC Industrial Relations