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The CMPA is dedicated to helping Canadian producers establish international partnerships and bring their content to screens around the world.

To thrive in today’s global marketplace, Canadian content needs to travel across our borders and onto international screens.

The CMPA works to:

  • Promote co-production opportunities for CMPA members.
  • Expand our members’ international market knowledge.
  • Strengthen our links with offshore industry organizations looking to broaden their own international market reach and presence.

The CMPA is as interested in working within established markets and festivals as it is in building strategic industry contacts and exploring new opportunities outside of these.

Join an international delegation

Take your networking to another level—and another country—by joining one of our international delegations.

Our delegations are designed to help our members succeed in a globally competitive market. Previous CMPA delegations have travelled to Hong Kong, Beijing, London, Berlin, Melbourne, Los Angeles and more.

Canada – UK Co-Production Forum – virtual edition

The CMPA and the High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom are partnering to offer Canadian companies the opportunity to gain foreign market insight through presentations and roundtables, as well as the opportunity to expand their professional networks and explore co-production opportunities through a series of 1:1 meetings.

Upcoming international delegations and events

Content London – 2024

December 2 – 5, 2024

The three-day event, which runs between December 2-5, with registration and the opening night screenings taking place on December 2, will dedicate this year’s programming focus on how to adapt…

Learn more

Upcoming international calls for submissions

International co-productions

International treaty co-productions are films and TV programs jointly created by Canadian and foreign producers, each contributing creatively, technically and financially to the project.

These productions enjoy national status in each country. Co-productions are an excellent way for Canadian producers to tap into international financing and talent and create content with global resonance.

International treaty co-productions must be approved by Telefilm Canada and the recognized authority in the partnering country.

Canada currently has co-production agreements with more than 60 countries. For the complete list, along with more information about qualifications and guidelines, visit Telefilm Canada.

CRTC co-ventures

Canadian producers interested in working with a producer from a country with which Canada has no official co-production treaty can do so as a CRTC-certified co-venture.

These productions don’t qualify for Canadian-content tax credits, but do qualify for production services tax credit and are classified as “Canadian content” for domestic broadcast purposes.

Canadian producers participating in co-ventures must have equal decision-making responsibility and retain 50% share of investment and profits, while the foreign producer can own 100% of copyright.

For more information about the Canadian program certification process, including eligibility criteria for CRTC-certified co-ventures, please visit the CRTC website.

Exporting Screen-Based Content and Services

A workshop designed to offer you comprehensive, hands-on training to facilitate selling screen-based content and services into new international markets.

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Exporting Canadian Screen-based Productions in a Global Market

Trends, Opportunities and Future Directions (July 2021)

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