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Provinces and

Please note that the funds may update programs, guidelines and FAQs without notice. Please visit the website of any fund you are interested in for further details.


Supports the development of individual Alberta artists, arts administrators, or an ensemble of artists by providing funding for a specific film and video arts project.

The Alberta Media Fund offers grants for development, production and post-production, as well as cultural industry grants, to support the creation of Alberta content.

Supports the development, growth and sustainability of enterprises, entrepreneurs, professionals and talent in the Edmonton Metro screen industries. Includes screen media funds, early stage project grants, business development, marketing and sponsorships.

British Columbia

Supports BC creators, entrepreneurs and companies with strategic investment to develop their projects, gain access to new markets, build stronger global partnerships and make a creative impact, domestically and internationally.


MFM supports Manitoba film and music through its objectives, which are to create, stimulate, employ and invest in Manitoba by developing and promoting Manitoba companies, producing and marketing film, television, video and music recording projects, as well as to promote Manitoba as a film location for offshore production companies.

Supports the market development activities of Manitoba production companies, independent distributors, producers, directors and writers at national and international markets with three funds: Access to Markets, Access to Festivals and Professional Development.

The Winnipeg Film Group is an artist-run education, production, exhibition and distribution centre committed to promoting the art of cinema. It provides rentals, services, training and funding.


PictureNL, formally known as the Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation is the lead agency for the province for investments in film and television productions through its equity, tax credit and development programs.

Nova Scotia offers funding programs such as the Film & Television Production Incentive Fund and the Eastlink TV Production Fund, designed to help finance Nova Scotian animated and/or live-action film or television productions.

New Brunswick government has different programs to support the development and production of quality film, television and new media products that contribute positively to New Brunswick’s cultural and artistic image.

Supports the private-sector film and television industry in PEI with financial rebates on expenditures for work completed in PEI, to encourage the development, training and hiring of PEI film personnel.

PEI Film Production Fund will be available beginning April 1, 2021, until March 31, 2024, at which time it will be evaluated.

FilmPEI is a film industry association and media arts cooperative focused on growing careers and developing a thriving sector. The organization fosters film production on PEI by providing infrastructure training, communication, advocacy and opportunity creation.


Ontario Creates has a range of programs and resources to provide financial, strategic and research support to Ontario’s cultural entrepreneurs and established trade and event organizations from the film and TV production industry. Ontario Creates is an agency of the provincial government.

The program supports not-for-profit organizations, ad hoc groups and collectives that present, document or disseminate the work of professional Ontario media artists, or that provide media artists with professional development opportunities. The program has three categories: Presentation, Professional Development and Publication.

Provides support to media artists for the creation/production of new work or the completion of works in progress. Funds are intended to cover direct costs of creation/production, including subsistence and materials. Applicants may apply for production and/or post-production.

The Film and Television Stream is designed to increase film and television industry jobs and investment and to increase quality, original film and television productions produced in Northern Ontario, while showcasing its culture, geography, stories and talent.


Supports the development of original scripts and the production of films of different genres (fiction, documentary, animation), formats (feature, medium and short films) and visual technologies (virtual, augmented or mixed reality), as well as the marketing and the exploitation of films to facilitate the circulation of works in Quebec and at festivals.

Provides financial assistance for the production of Canadian content for television broadcasting (television, film or events), and promotes the production of interactive multimedia components based on these productions. Thanks to the Export Assistance Program, the Quebecor Fund also supports initiatives aimed at developing audiovisual content adapted to markets outside Quebec.


Creative Saskatchewan supports the screen-based and interactive media community of Saskatchewan to enhance the quality, quantity and marketability of its products and resources.

The purpose of the Filmpool Production Assistance Program (FPAP) is to support the production of independent Saskatchewan films. Filmpool provides resources in the form of cash grants and equipment/facility deferrals to assist productions.


Provides funding, training and film commission services in Nunavut. It is responsible for fostering and promoting the development and growth of the film, television and digital media industry in the territory. NFDC is a non-profit non-governmental organization governed by a board of directors whose expertise shapes and directs all activities.

The Story Telling Fund is a creation fund that provides production companies and individual filmmakers the flexibility of a greater diversification of activities not currently served by NFDC’s funding programs.

Has funding for pre-development, development, marketing and promotion, special partnerships and sponsorship to help support film, audio and digital media projects in the NWT.

Provides funds for pre-development, development and production for film, television or digital media projects with a minimum of three Yukoners in key positions.