Market access
and export
Please note that the funds may update programs, guidelines and FAQs without notice. Please visit the website of any fund you are interested in for further details.
For additional programs, check out funding opportunities for provinces and territories.
Supports organizations to enhance activities including but not limited to training, events, conferences and fellowships for the screen-based industry across Canada, in English and French.
Government of Canada provides support for small and medium companies to assist with international business development activities. The program helps develop export opportunities for products and services in new international markets.
The international coproduction and co-development incentives support innovative solutions to encourage the coproduction and co-development of content.
Provides visibility and funding to help Canadian creative works achieve financial success abroad. CEC aims to heighten exposure of Canadian creative works in international markets and to increase export profitability for Canada’s creative industries. Two streams: Export-Ready and Export Development.
The Export Assistance Program helps finance the international distribution of Canadian feature films, including the promotional campaign for theatrical release.
The International Promotion Program offers financial support for participation and attendance for international festivals, forums and events; international promotion campaigns; and Telefilm-invited international initiatives.