Health and
safety resources

Wherever you are working, it’s important to remember that safety always takes precedence over expediency.
In most cases, the producer is responsible for taking all reasonable precautions to protect the health and safety of everyone working on the production. Cast and crew also have a responsibility to work safely and in compliance with the applicable health and safety legislation. Productions are structured into departments with department heads, so there are clear reporting lines to the producer.
Any safety concerns should be brought the applicable department head or the producer—and should be welcomed as a sign of conscientiousness and professional competence.
Provincial health and safety information

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the CMPA worked to ensure producers had resources to help them safely operate, including working with public health agencies and creating health and safety guidelines. These continue to be useful and can be found in the guidelines below.