CMPA Mentorship Program for Diverse Producers

Application process
We only accept applications through our online application portal. Should you require assistance with your application, please contact us.
Please note that applicants will be required to upload the following documents during the process:
- Resumé
- Letter of intent
- Two (2) letters of reference (download template)
- Letter of intent
- Placement work plan (to be completed online)
Spots available:
July 2, 2024
The CMPA is an inclusive organization that is committed to achieving greater diversity and representation from Indigenous and equity-deserving groups, including, but not limited to, Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, persons from the broad spectrum of sexes, gender expressions and sexual orientations, persons with disabilities and intersectional candidates belonging to multiple communities. As such, we strive to develop mentorship and training opportunities that help grow the talent base of Indigenous and equity-deserving groups. The focus of this initiative is to increase the diversity among producers and foster inclusivity in the screen-based production industry. It will offer CMPA members the opportunity to work with producers who reflect Canada’s diverse makeup. The program is open to CMPA member companies in good standing that are owned and operated by members of Indigenous and equity-deserving groups, and applying with mentee candidates from Indigenous and equity-deserving groups that have a demonstrated interest in working in production with the ultimate goal of becoming a producer. Activities can take place during any stage of production, including (but not limited to) research, development, on-set and office production, business affairs, marketing and promotion.
Mentee eligibility
- Open to candidates who self-identify as being a member of one or more Indigenous and equity-deserving groups, or are intersectional candidates
- Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person on whom refugee status has been conferred
- Must be legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations
- Cannot be an employee or family member of the mentor company
- Must be co-applying with a mentor company. The CMPA will, on a case-by-case basis, endeavour to pair candidates with limited or no access to suitable mentor companies, with its qualifying members. This does not guarantee that an application will be successful, given the limited number of spots available. You may also create a mentee profile that will be accessible to mentor companies seeking a candidate. Find out more here.
Mentor company eligibility
- Must be a member of the CMPA, and owned and operated by members of Indigenous and equity-deserving groups
- Must be co-applying with a mentee candidate. The CMPA will, on a case-by-case basis, endeavour to pair mentor companies with suitable candidates. This does not guarantee that an application will be successful, given the limited number of spots available. You may also post a mentorship opportunity that will be accessible to mentees seeking a mentor. Find out more here.
- Must contribute a minimum of $4,000 toward the trainee stipend
- A mentor applicant cannot be an employer or family member of the mentee with whom they are submitting a joint application
Selection process
A selection panel will award placements. Decisions will be based on the criteria set out for both the mentor and the mentee. The panel will be responsible for evaluating applications on their overall merit and the selection panel’s decisions on the awarded placements will be final. Given the high number of applications and the limited resources available, some deserving applications may not be successful. All applications will be assessed against the program’s goal to create meaningful placements that will ultimately help support emerging and mid-level producers’ efforts in developing their knowledge of and experience in the screen-based media production industry. As such, the selection panel may consider a number of factors in order to make their decisions on applications. These factors may include, but are not limited to, the:
- Viability of the mentor-mentee relationship (e.g., shared goals and objectives; post-placement employment opportunities with the mentor company; financial contribution to the mentee’s stipend; demonstrated commitment to sharing expertise, and ability and experience in training)
- Clear objectives and skills development goals
- Strength of the proposed work plan (e.g., mentee’s job description; diversity of training; mentor supervision) vs. proposed mentee’s related education, professional goals, and work or volunteer experience
- Demonstrated commitment to the screen-based media production industry
Historically, CMPA mentorship programs have been oversubscribed; as such, some worthy applications may not be successful.
Payment of funds
Each trainee receives a minimum of $16,000 for their placement. The program contributes $12,000, while the mentor company must contribute a minimum of $4,000. Upon selection, each mentor company must sign a contract with the CMPA and the mentee, outlining the requirements of the program, including reporting procedures and how funds will be dispersed. Each financial award is to be solely applied to the mentee’s stipend. The CMPA contribution will be disbursed in three instalments. Each instalment will be given to the mentor upon submission of an invoice for the amount and the required supporting documentation (invoices, mid-term and final reports, final questionnaires and proof of payment for the mentee’s stipend).