
CMPA Delegation to CPH:DOX
Deadline: December 22, 2023
The CMPA is leading a delegation to the Copenhagen International Documentary Festival (CPH:DOX) March of 2024. We are accepting applications from members with documentary projects in development, production or post-production, looking for co-production partners, financing, distribution, sales and other opportunities from the international documentary community. Producers can be mid-career or established.
CPH:INDUSTRY offers a wide range of activities and networking events to help facilitate the match of potential business partners among the close to 2,000 film professionals from all over the world who are joining CPH:DOX annually. The event welcomes delegations of international producers and directors benefitting from curated networking events.
Financial assistance of up to $1,500 CDN or 50% of real costs (whichever amount is less) will be available to help offset a portion of travel, accommodation and conference registration expenses.
Eligible members are encouraged to apply by the December 22, 2023, 8:00 pm ET / 5:00 pm PT deadline.
Target participants
Mid-carrer or established producers, with documentary projects in development, production or post-production, looking for co-production partners, financing, distribution, sales and other opportunities from the international documentary community.
Eligibility criteria
Must be CMPA members in good standing
Selection process
A Selection Committee will choose up to 10 producers to benefit from financial assistance of up to $1,500 per person.
Copenhagen, Denmark
- Deadline: December 22, 2023
- Notification: January 5, 2024
- Activities: March 18-22, 2024 (not inclusive of travel days)